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A bit of what's going on in the World Today

February, 2017

Dear friends & loved ones. I encourage you to do your own research of all the things that I am bringing up in these lines. Mostly ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all true because that is one of His Promises. I encourage you to always be skeptic & ask about everything you have been told. Remember many “christian sects” who are not really Christian use Scripture to validate their doctrines & different Christian denominations pull whatever fits their doctrine. That's why it's always healthy to check everything with Scripture & if you are sincere, the Lord Jesus says you will not follow the voice of strangers but His Voice.

Even though I will not get into details I feel inclined to write about the situation in the world today. Mainly because I see so much ignorance in so many people who mean well, apart from the fact that we are living in what I call the “Age of Deception”.

Western society, where we are, has been so amazingly deceived, for the last few centuries, that only the Light of the True Gospel of Jesus can clear out tons of garbage we have been feed throughout years of methodical “brainwashing” by the Devil's system.

Scripture says “the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers”, but it is amazing how difficult it is to help the believers to receive the Truth. Even though we were warned many, many times in Scripture, “do not be deceived” & also the “falling away”, practically most Christian denominations swallow almost everything that comes packaged with the “Science says” presentation.

Anyways, I will just write a small resume & will give some links for those interested in getting a better understanding.

From the beginning of man's history there have been a number of people that have gathered together with a common goal: To establish a government capable of conquering the whole world & controlling it's people.

For those who don't know the True God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is of course much easier to fall easy prey to the elites which now days already control the world. Even though there are non Christians who are aware of what is going on to a certain point, but much more aware that many “Christian denominations”.

The Deception is SOOOO BIG that I don't even bring some things up because most people laugh at me & think I am a poor ignorant man that needs to catch up with society.

These elites which already run the world are in their last stages to bring their one world government upon the world.

For example, they were the ones behind the Communist revolution in Russia & later on in the Soviet Union, as well as the ones behind almost every single war from the French Revolution up until our days now. Provoking the wars & financing all sides involved in the conflicts they help to create.

What I wonder sometimes is, why do so many US pastors, who truly seem to love the Lord, didn't even realized these elites stole the Federal Reserve Bank back in 1913. These elites have been the ones putting presidents as they see fit, through the so called democracy. And the saddest part is how they have endorsed the US evil wars around the world by not standing against them.

If you are reading these lines & you happen to consider yourself an unbeliever, let's say an agnostic, for example, let me tell you: the members of these elites ARE NOT UNBELIEVERS, they are “Luciferians”, which means that they believe that the true god is not Yahweh, creator of Heavens & Earth, but Lucifer, the serpent who managed to freed Adam & Eve from the yoke of Yahweh, or Jehovah, & their agenda is to proclaim before the whole world that Lucifer is god, under their “New World Order”.

A big step that these people have managed is to convince the majority of people in the world that “Democracy” is the government of the people by the people. & with this poison amazingly well coated with very good & convincing arguments, they have destroyed good & nationalistic governments throughout the world which had achieved enormous steps in the improving the economy & social welfare of their peoples. I will just bring up one case to illustrate this point, even though there are many. One good example is Venezuela. In the late fifties these elites ended the government of Marcos Perez Jimenez, under which Venezuela made the greatest advancements it has ever achieve in its history, turning Venezuela into the richest country in all Latin America, so much so that many came to believe Venezuela would become a First World Nation & join the advanced nations of the world. Then in MJP's place they set democratic governments which began giving place to corruption & slowly but surely weakening the institutions & stealing the great riches of the nation. To the point that the population became so disappointed with the right-wing political parties that they put their faith in Hugo Chavez, who was full of charisma & had a powerful personality & they believed in his proposals to turn Venezuela away from corruption & share it's riches in a fare way through the Socialism of the 21st Century. Little did anyone notice what the master plan of the elites behind it all. His government turned out to be the most corrupt ever, taking away all the riches from the Venezuelans, & while the members of government share the spoil & give away the riches of the country, the people are literally starving to death, which they care nothing for, as they strengthen their rule using every tool available putting into practice every Machiavellian & devilish strategy to remain in power.

I'll explain a bit about “Democracy”. In reality in Democracy, presidents are not chosen because of their integrity, patriotism, or their intellectual preparation to manage a nation. But the elites make sure, their chosen ones, those who will rule following their plans, have the best propaganda, the backing of the media, plus all their other institutions, while on the other hand they malign, slander, defame all other opponents, & if needed even steal elections when needed to keep their plans going.

Apparently something went wrong in 2016 when Mr. Trump won the elections. If they can't buy him they'll do all they can to get him out of power. ASAP!

Once in power, the idea is to stupefy, misinform, manipulate, demoralize, etc. the population, and virtually drugged them with cigarettes, alcohol, pornography, drugs, narcotics, the media, etc. The agenda for the means of communication, such as “Broadcast Programming” besides stupefying the population is designed to attack the “Family”, & all Godly principles which are the ones that strengthen a nation. Of course all this is done very professionally & most people don't even notice with the exemption of a few true Christians whose voices are drown in their sea of propaganda.

Systems of education have been designed to brainwash the children & young people & turn them into rebels against everything that is Godly, but addict consumers of their propaganda, pushing homosexuality, transgenderism, feminism, evolution, Big-Ban, etc. They have stood in the door of “True Science” shut its door & set in its place Pseudo-Science where the strong principles once held by true men of science “the four steps of the scientific method” to stablish true facts are ignored now & the new scientist are like the priests of the modern new religion called “Science” making the world believe whatever they say now it is truth, because of course: “scientist have found” & we therefore the whole world now must believe it, because look: the advancements of modern technology are here because of them, which they use as a tool to validate their arguments.

The Food Industry has been design to weaken the population & it works hand in hand with the Health System, to turn the population into addicts of the Pharmaceutical Industry which right now is one of the strongest in the world. Not to even mention how they have poisoned people with their vaccines. The National Science Foundation reports that the U.S. biopharmaceutical sector accounts for the largest single share of all U.S. business research and development (R&D) investment, representing 23.4 percent of all domestic R&D funded by U.S. business in 2013. All the very well presented & advertised “junk food” plus a life style geared to lack of physical activities leads to doctors who will never counsel you to stop the cause of your illness but rather get you hooked into their medicines (drugs) that will reduce pain & maybe heal one thing but develop other problems. Just think a bit, people eating healthy, living right, no sickness, down goes their business.

These elites did not only buy the main newspapers of the world but also all the mass means of communication & entertainment, Hollywood, Walt Disney, etc. etc. main TV chains, main Internet corporations. So that most of what is being fed to the world is their propaganda. Does “Fake News” ring a bell? Of course there are still a few independent voices being heard, but the tsunami of worldly & devilish propaganda is overwhelming.

They are experts at eliminating all those that have tried to expose them in the past. They have also prepared their own “enemies” putting people to supposedly expose them, but that are so eccentric & bad looking that the general public soon rejects them, & the word “conspiracy theorist” now has become synonym to false or fake story.

The Catholic Church has been part of their system, but I won't talked about them here, even though that there are many sincere & dear Catholics who are doing the best they can to serve the Lord & help their fellowmen.

But in reality the majority of churches have been infiltrated by these elites, & others are so lukewarm in their Christianity they do not resemble the Kingdom of Heaven, but rather turn many people away. Thank God many true Christians are waking up, heeding God's call & fulfilling their role as God's Sons & Daughters.

Well, as some of you know these events are the fulfillments of Bible Prophecies, which are to happen before Jesus returns to fix this messy world where we live & to establish his Righteous Kingdom of Love & Light, hallelujah! Oh Lord, let your Kingdom come!

Mat 24:35 Heavens and earth shall pass away, but My Words shall not pass away.

The links I am sharing are for you to check. Remember always to be prayerful about everything. Let the Spirit guide you!

1Jn 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things;

Love in Jesus... Alejandro


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