Heb 5:14 But solid food is for those who are full grown, who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern good and evil.
Everyone in this world has always wanted to be "of legal age." In other words, of legal age, in order to grow up and make our own decisions. Correct? Nobody wanted to always be a child, and have to have babysitters and be carried by the hand of their parents from one place to another. Do you know that God expects us to also grow in the Spirit, so that we can be a blessing to all those in need around us?
The Christian life is not going to church every Sunday, giving offerings, and then believing that you are doing a lot for God until the day you die. For me that is like being spiritually paralyzed. For you will still be a spiritual baby if you only read and listen to the Word, but don't make the effort to put it into practice. Most of the churches are full of adult "spiritual babies", who by time, although they should already be teachers, again need someone to teach them the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and they need milk and not solid food. Heb 5:12
Putting the Word into action means getting out of your routine and asking the Lord to love all those around you, through you; What can be more exciting than living a life sharing God's Love with those around you and watching them recover from illness and disease as you pray and lay your hands on them to get them healed. Seeing the lost see the Light of Jesus and Eternal Life, as you share the Word of God that you carry in your heart with them, freeing the oppressed by demons as you order them out and cast them out? That is what it means to exercise our senses. Of course, all those "works" are none of our own goodness, but they are the works of God Himself through us.
We put the Word into practice when do what Jesus commanded us to do. You might be thinking: hey, but I can't do any of those things. Do not worry, it is not you who has to do it, that is known, you cannot, but does not the Spirit of God dwell in you? When you realize who lives within you, and have asked God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, then He can, He is an expert in delivering sinners. He will do all that and much more through you, if you put aside your own little plans, that is, you deny yourself and let God use you according to his plans. Remember… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13.
If the pastor of your church is not inspiring you to be a winner, a true soldier, an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God, ask God to guide you to a true Church of Jesus Christ where the Word of God is the authority. If you can't find one like that, start a prayer group in your own home and make a small church in your own house. In the book of Acts the brothers congregated in houses. Never settle for less than the best, become "of Age", ask the Lord to help you, immerse yourself in his Word, surround yourself with people of Faith and go out and help save the lost. Isn't this what Jesus asked us to do? Go out and take the Gospel to the whole world? In the Name of Jesus! Mat 28:18-20
Love in Jesus… Alejandro
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