My view on Mr. Trump
I have seen Trump as the best choice when compared to evil Hillary Clinton or Barak Obama; this is what was happening in the US with them in power, in the words of American Pastor Jentezen Franklin…
“The nation was sliding down a slope to a cliff between 2008 and 2016 would be nothing less than turning a blind eye or political deafness. Federally funded abortion on demand was a machine raging out of control, our prisons were in desperate need of reform, and a 1% GDP was the “new normal.”
Socialism was on the rise and our religious liberties as citizens, business owners, and even clergy were being threatened at greater levels than any other time in modern history.
If you have the courage, you stand with the leader who stands for the very things you would hope a president would stand for—the sanctity of life, religious freedom for private citizens and business owners, conservative federal judges, standing with the nation of Israel, and a better tomorrow for those living in poverty, especially in our largest cities—the very values and policies you pray to God your president will push forward and stand on.”
The fact that Mr. Trump was never a politician, & had his own financial empire, makes him independent from most politicians who had to bow to the lords of money who are the elites behind the New World Order who with their vast economic power have bought consciences, and loyalties at will, apart from having ensured that the participants in politics fell into various types of peccadilloes, which they have well recorded, in case one day they had to intimidate someone who did not want to continue obeying their whims.
Of course Mr. Trump is no saint either, but who is? One of the important features of Mr. Trump is his leadership qualities & his love for his country. As I see it, my main concern with Mr. Trump is that he is obviously backed by the Zionist Government of Israel who he himself backs in return.
Many Christians in the US, believe than Mr. Trump & the US will be blessed because "he who blesses Israel will be blessed, taking the passage from Gen 12:3, but what most Christians don't realize is that the Zionist Israeli government is not of God, & they don't even seem to know that even pious Orthodox Jews say so. These Orthodox Jews have done all they can to let the world know, & they are suffering persecution at the hands of the Zionist Jews, who also don't like Christians. 1Jn 2:23 Everyone who denies the Son neither has the Father. The one confessing the Son also has the Father.
Of course main stream media will never let the world know about this either. https://nkusa.org/activities/Statements/2006July18.cfm
I can see the elites behind Globalism running the show all over Europe, as they set up the stage for the last world leader. Convincing the masses of people from all over the world of the importance of a united one world government. And I don't see it very far when they will present their man to occupy the place of the new leader, this is no small task, but they are not that far from getting there.
So I see Mr. Trump like someone, that even though stands with some of the wrong people, as I just stated, nevertheless opposes these New World Order politics, or at least that’s the way it looks, even though, as you know, we can only fully trust Jesus, & never put our confidence in man.
These elites see true Christianity as its main enemy. Christians & Christian values are the main targets being attacked by the elites’ world media, as they know; people motivated by the Love of God towards their neighbors are not easy to lie to as the rest of the people in the world who swallow whatever they feed them through their media.
So my prayer is that in the meantime these evil world leaders take their steps to put their full agenda in place, we Christians will be able to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel & the freedom which God offers us through the powerful Words of Jesus Christ!
Blessings Alejandro…